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Coming Up...

Raw Food Challenge #2
February 13
5-7 PM

Feldenkrais - Awareness Through Movement
February 24
5:45 - 6:45 PM

Wet and Needle Felting
Feb 27
2-4 PM

Kids Hand Drumming 
March 2 - 30
Times vary, see classes/workshop page for details

Youth Hand Drumming
March 2 - 30
Times vary, see classes/workshop page for details

Enneagram Workshop
March 5, 12, 19
1 - 3:45 PM
See Classes/ Workshop page for more details

Optimum Health/Anti-Aging
March 6 - 20
Times vary, see calendar/workshop page for details

Women's Dance Retreat
March 26

*More workshop listings under classes/workshop link

RSVP to workshops/classs by sending an email to:

About the River School Farm
The River School Farm is a venue for year-round farming, special events, and educational opportunities that demonstrate a holistic approach to
sustainable living, bioregional design, and creative expression.

We grow fruit, vegetables, flowers, herbs, raise poultry... and milk goats! Our special events include everything from weddings and festivals, to birthday parties, family bar-b-ques, and eco art camp for kids. The River School Farm also hosts a variety of classes and workshops that are open to the public, including tango dance, yoga, music for toddlers, drumming, fire spinning, gardening, informative nature walks, and more!

Tucked away along the banks of the beautiful Truckee River you will find Reno's biggest little secret; the River School Farm meadow, two stages, unique metal sculptures, and a stone step amphitheater, all of which help create a unique and geographically specific venue for high desert weddings, shows, and birthday parties.                  


River School Farm
7777 White Fir Street
Reno, NV 89523
(775) 747-2222
Fax (775) 747-1227

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